Hall of Fame

We want to send a heartfelt thanks to all our backers of the Kickstarter campaign. Thank you for your support, and for your excitement about the project! There are a few people we would like to thank in particular though, they are listed below!

Our amazing Illustrator Olivia Kok, who drew almost all the drawings on the Cards with an impressive eye for detail (@owolives on Instagram).

A special thanks to all the ones who playtested and reviewed the Cards! In special I’d like to thank Rita Orlov, Jack Fallows, Jachin Letwory, Ruud Kool, Emma Docter and Rolf Fronczek.

Also a special shoutout to Jachin Letwory of Modern Treasure Hunt (https://moderntreasurehunt.com), the Highest Backer on Kickstarter! Thank you for all the long Skype Sessions with valuable Review:)

And, last but definitely not least, a big shoutout to all our Premium Backers!

Andi Tran


Charles C Hickinbotham



Jamie Porter

Jeffrey Hellrung

Jill & Mike Tempesta

Jodie W

Julie “Yankiwi” Reiser

Kasey McKenna

Keith Jackson

King Michael, King of Ocelandia (rejoice)

Modern Treasure Hunt


Rolf Fronczek

Roxanne Miller

Russ Hewso

Sarah “smiles” Miles

Sera Dott

Steph G

The Brayley Family

Theo Clarke

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