Did you work it out? The projected way of solving this example puzzle is through the following thinking steps:
- Notice the colour scheme of the card. There are four different colours used.
- Two elements have the same colour: the circles around the phone number and the subtitle ‘Mysterious Company’.
- Apparently there is a link between the numbers that have a circle around them and the mentioned phone number.
- How can we link the numbers ‘253’ to a word?
- Maybe they point at certain letters in the word?
- You could take the 2th, 5th and 3rd letter.
- Starting at the beginning of the subtitle, that would lead to the Y for 2, the E for 5 and the S for 3.
- Putting them in the correct order – as they were in the phone number – that would lead to the word ‘YES‘. We solved it!
This is a single step in the process of solving a big puzzles, as they can be found on the Cards of Confound. It is meant to give you a feeling for the type of puzzles you will encounter!